
A picture is worth $160

As you can see. . .my hard work, determination, and dedication payed off!  I won first place in the 6 week weight loss challenge!!!!!  Here is the run down:

Starting date:  January 7, 2011

Challenge buy in:  $25

My starting weight: 150.2

Ending date:  February 18, 2011

Ending weight:  135.0

Total lbs lost: 15.2

1st place winner pay out:  $160

Wearing my size 6 jeans again for the first time in about a year and having NO muffin top:  PRICELESS!!!!

Now. . .10 more lbs to go! 

It is amazing how much better I feel both about myself and actually just plain. . .how much healthier I feel!  I'm so glad I decided to do this.  I needed something to get back into the swing of a healthy lifestyle!  Truthfully. . .living a healthy lifestyle. . .cooking healthy. . .eating healthy. . .exercising. . .is a passion of mine!  It's almost like a hobby!  This past 6 weeks was like being reunited with a dear old friend! 

All in all. . . I say it was an awesome day!  On the books for Saturday. . .celebration date day / night with the hubby!!!!!!

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